PPA Loan Collection
One thing I like about this competition (and PPO) is that it's one of the few it seems these days that you still have to provide a physical photo mounted up to 16"x20" for the judges to review. This helps to ensure the prints really are top quality in my opinion. I have nothing against being able to submit an online entry as a jpg file, yet there is something still to be said about getting your work juried as a real print instead of being viewed on a screen. Albeit I admit from my end dealing with the printing and shipping is much more time consuming than clicking a "submit" button online!
Here are the three photos that were accepted. Some of you may notice the image with the white rock is missing the sky (Title: Standing Out). This was done for the contest submission only. The prints I have produced and will continue to produce will have the sky. That is my artistic preference but I felt purely from a judging aspect it may be better to isolate the drama of the foreground rock.